I woke up and caught a dawn flight to Long Beach from JFK

I was hoping I could get some kind of Jetblue sponsorship where I say stuff like "Jetblue is so awesome and cool,
and I watched TV the whole time"  and then get free flights.  Does anyone have any leads on that?

Landed in beautiful downtown Long Beach

whoa, it's Lee and Camille

and the best board graphic ever

I thought this ad on the trolley at the Grove was kinda creepy... it's like the name of the trolley is "Flight 93"
That's kinda fucked up right?

I like the name of this car much better

So I always thought it'd be cool if I was a pro skater and had like a really hooked up apartment, you know?

Like Spanky's place, I'm just so jealous

like for instance, he has 3 copies of Troubleshooters on VHS!  Now that's some decadence.

He has a giraffe in the fridge and the Pizza of Trust in the freezer

the master bedroom

the recording studio

then we drove out to Victorville and checked out Bryan Herman's place

It kinda has a Lord of the Flies vibe

dog shit all over the floor, which I stepped in

trouble loves me, walks beside me
to chide me
not to guide me

it's still much more than you'll do

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