Tampa Am 2005 Results:

1. Josh Beagle
2. Lizard King
3. Alan Russell
4. Tony Evijth (sic)
5. 6.  Lee Smith, Sam Smyth (tie)
7. Kevin "Spanky" Long (not pictured)
8. The Package
9. Tony Silva
10. Bobby Worrest
11. Justin Regan
12. Steven from Self-Educated Zine.
13. Flow Trash
14. Guy that was trying to grind up the rail
15. Ninja kid or whatever with dreads
16. Rob Welsh
17. Jeff Lenoce.
18.  Adrean Mallory
19. J.Dog
20. Double J.
21. J.Lay
22. Brewce Martin
23. Frank Gerwer
24. Angel
25. Willy Ackers
26. M. Venus
27. Leo Romero and room bros
28. Chris Pastras

Best Trick:

1. Joseph Cordova
his trick is pictured here

wow, what an awesome contest... see you next year!

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