This is Mike's bird Skittles. I was scared of her a little bit.
she kept following me around, I thought she was going to bite me.
She was very smart... every animal I encounter these days is more
intelligent and conscious than I thought they would be.
Nothing like they teach you in Catholic school.
then I went to the Nike dinner and Brian Anderson was like "will it be
weird for you if we watch the Cardiel DVD?"
it was awesome watching it with such heavy dudes like Lance, Matt
Beach, BA, Omar and Stephan.
and Active Erica
People were so into it in fact that all these chicks came in and no one
even looked up. At the end they clapped! It was a great
midnight birthday gift to me.
I don't feel conceited saying so only 'cause its Cardiel that made it
awesome, I just pressed 'record.'